Switch to Green: Annual Coordination Meeting
Organised by Pracsis, a meeting convened by the Switch to Green Flagship Initiative on 26-27 September in Brussels aimed at building bridges between practitioners from EU-funded inclusive green economy actions and across different development programmes, with a view to enhancing visibility and improving coordination of those involved. Participants welcomed the Switch to Green Flagship Initiative as timely, in view of the increased importance of mainstreaming inclusive green economy (ICE) and, particularly, sustainable consumption and production (SCP) practices, mandated by the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals.Launched by the European Commission Directorate General for International Cooperation and Development (DG DEVCO), SWITCH to Green is a Flagship Initiative linking complementary programmes to improve the overall coherence, coordination and visibility of existing and future EU-funded international cooperation initiatives on green economy.Learn more at SWITCH to Green Flagship Initiative - A Gateway to Inclusive Green Economy