Media Relations


Securing interest and achieving extensive and top-quality media coverage for our clients is the role of PRACSIS PRESS, our media relations department.


From building your story to disseminating it to the right media, PRACSIS offers you all –inclusive traditional press and new media exposure.

What’s the story?


PRACSIS explores and captures the essence and purpose of your organisation, event or campaign and builds stories around it. Be that written or audiovisual, PRACSIS creates headlines and news which accurately illustrate the message to convey while capturing the attention of press professionals.



Targeted and tailored distribution


PRACSIS designs a distinct strategy for each client and media campaign according to a set of variables: type of media material, targeted press, geographical scope and expected outcome. PRACSIS combines mass and country-focus distribution. PRACSIS has direct contact with over 5000 media professionals across EU28. For our country-targeted media actions, EURACSIS, the communication agencies network led by PRACSIS, allows us to offer instant translations and dissemination to press in a matter of hours.


Buying media space

Besides producing appealing media material, PRACSIS manages close and long-term working relationships with media from across Europe and is able to offer you the best rates to purchase media space.